Friday, 29 June 2012

On-Route to Auckland......

And so it was that we trundled off from Rotorua on the last leg of our road trip.....via Te Puke in the Bay of Plenty......for the briefest of briefest visits to Grandma G's friend.....on-route for Auckland.

There was rain on the window.....

.....and scudding skies all around......

.....but our spirits weren't sireee.......we were uplifted by a gorgeous garden......refreshed with tea and scrumptious cake.....and I savoured the lovely antiques these beautiful old pewter tankards from over here in Blighty......

 ....but this was all just too much for some of us.....back on the road again......the perfect opportunity for a little shuteye snoozy wooze........

.....before we arrived in Auckland at our good friend A's house.....where Little Lad and Little Miss quickly made friends with Ziggy.......

....a Leopard Gecko.....

Ziggy...the Leopard Gecko

.....who A was babysitting for her grandson......

It had been another long and whirlwind day.....we had experienced the entertaining Agrodome....met new friends......driven far.....and seen lots of the New Zealand countryside whizz by....we were tired.....emotions were starting to run high.....we knew our time was up......we knew our mostest wonderfullest holiday was drawing to a close....we knew we only had one full day left with family and friends in NZ.


Tuesday, 26 June 2012


Like many of the motels in and around the Rotorua area, ours had it's own private hot pools and a warm outdoor swimming pool heated solely by its own geothermal hotspots......unfortunately for us adults, time did not allow for us to soak up the relaxing and healing benefits of the hot pools ......although, I'm sure we would have benefited immensely after three weeks of being non-stop on the go trying to show the Angels a real taste of what New Zealand has to offer.....but while we were packing up our things and loading the minivan, Little Lad and Little Miss took full advantage of the facilities on offer, enjoying a spiffily warm splash around in the swimming pool while the skies were grey, the air was cool and the rain was drizzling....bliss!

Before we left Rotorua proper, we stopped at a brilliant attraction.....pure NZ it was....the Agrodome......a real taste of the farm....NZ style. As we drove up the road on the approach to the main building we spotted a whole paddock of these rams with the biggest curly wurly horns you've ever seen.....

Parked up, and Grandpa having secured our tickets, we walked down a corridor and were surprised to walk into a huge cavernous barn-like building......we were immediately accosted by a youngish lad wielding a camera and directing us to stand in front of a large green again.....snap......catching our startled smiles to be printed onto photos superimposed with tractors or paddocks of sheep.....for us to buy after the show.....and save as memories of a happy holiday spent together.....Grandpa did purchase the photos for us to bring home to the UK, presented nicely in a spiral bound album type book.....but I'm not going to embarrass ourselves, caught as we were quite on-the-hop, with gawkish grins, here on this blog.....we'll laugh about them privately at home.....thank you very much.

We were extremely lucky with our timing as a "show" was due to start in about half an hour which gave us just enough time to have a quick look the left of the "barn" was a smallish room where some of the animals were patiently waiting to strut their stuff in the show......cows, ducks, geese, and.......lambs......

.....who were in a low-penned enclosure just waiting to be joined and petted by anyone who chose.....the Angels loved it.....and jumped straight in to stroke and hug the little lambs..... although Grandpa had some lambs at home, they were bigger than these, and not nearly so friendly .....we had to drag the Angels away to take our seats for the show.

And what a show it was......funny, entertaining, engaging, informative.....even Big Lad was seen to be laughing and enjoying himself.....we didn't really think it would be his thing......but the presenter was fab and managed to engage all age groups easily with his humour and easy-going style.

The sheep.....19 champion rams had been waiting patiently along the sides of the barn for their turn to shine.....

....and then they took their turns to run onto the stage and stand on their own allocated spot....proudly representing their individual breeds......

....some of the sheep were really funny...obviously they are well trained and knew the routine..... but as their turn approached, some of them started getting impatient.....stomping their feet and pawing the rails......seemingly desperate to take their turn in the spotlight on the stage....but all became each sheep's post was a little bowl of moreish snacks to keep them occupied and well behaved......little bribe-ish treats......just like we use for little people when we want super-duper behaviour.....but some of the sheep were greedy.....gobbled up their own..... then tried jumping up, on and over their neighbour to steal what was not theirs......again, just like little people do sometimes.......and while the sheep were entertaining us with their antics, the presenter explained the qualities and provenance of each breed.

Once we were fully informed on which breed was best suited to which need....just in case we were about to launch into our own farming venture........the sheep dogs came running in from the back of the barn.....and proceeded to herd the geese......which had just entered from a little door to the left of the stage......back and forth across the stage.....and back into their little door from whence they had come.....

Next up a cow took the limelight.....and a couple of willing participants from the audience attempted to milk the cow.....a quick lesson on the art of squeezing tits in just the right manner.....followed by a few squirts of milk tinkling into the bucket. Then came the baby lambs .....yep, the very same lambs the Angels were stroking and petting before the show started...... more willing volunteers from the audience......Little Lad stretched and stretched his hand up high, but alas, was not chosen.......took to the stage.......and this time were handed bottles of having to milk their own cows for this job......the lambs were so enthusiastic for their milk, one of them knocked the bottle clean out of the hands of their willing provider...... quick work was made of dispensing with the milk, I tell you.....

Shearing was next.....although the Angels had seen Grandpa do a spot of shearing at home, crutching his rather large lambs here........

......this was a chance to see a sheep fully shawn by a super fast top NZ shearer......

....brill he was....with a running commentary about how within just a few short hours the sheep's skin has thickened up......from the shock of losing their cosy woollen keep them warm in its absence.....he had the sheep sitting on its butt in the most relaxed fashion waving its tightening the sheep's skin in such a way, the sheep seemingly did it all by itself.....the Angels were well amused laughing along with the rest of the audience.

A wink or a nod and you would be the new proud owner of sheep in the was fast paced and hugely entertaining when the presenter told a little lady of little English that she had nodded......and therefore had won the lot.....he invited her onto the stage and hoped she could pay for her new sheep.... money? never mind.....a nice watch or jewellery would do.....she was quite overcome.....but a good sport.

Then the Grand Finale came......the sheep, who by now were comfortably sitting all relaxed at their posts were gently encouraged to get to their feet and stand looking proud representing their breed....with a few special whistles the sheepdogs were running back and forth, up and over and around the sheep...... was a great spectacle.....with the two dogs finishing the show standing on the backs of the top two sheep! Such an entertaining show....for all of us......Grandpa took great amusement just watching the Angels watching the show.

After the show the audience were invited onto the stage for their own photo opportunities with the sheep and dogs.....then we wandered over to the well-stocked souvenir shop.....where the Angels parted with more of their holiday money.....which our wonderful friend M had so very kindly given them before we left Blighty.....there were so many things to buy and choose was difficult for them to choose.

By now we were all feeling a little peckish.......luckily for us, Grandpa and Grandma G had packed a wonderful picnic of batches and baps filled with leftovers from last night's dinner.....cakes and cookies leftover from Christmas.....and all washed down with cordial and coffee...yum...yum...yum!

While we'd been in New Zealand, although we'd obviously seen pictures, photos, cuddlies, models and flags of kiwis, we unfortunately didn't manage to see a real, live kiwi.....but the Miss's did manage to sit on one.....

....a giant one, hiding in the agapanthus bushes!

There were lots of attractions and activities to do in Rotorua, not least the Gondola....the best way to see panoramic views of Lake Rotorua and the city.....the thrill of the Skyline Luge.....the Lads would have adored this.....and Rainbow Springs....but sadly we were out of time......we will save these for N E X T time......even the Agrodome had a Farm Tour and other activities to partake in......but we had to move quickly on.....Auckland and airports were calling.....but what we did manage to see was both highly entertaining and educational.....a definite must-see and well worth it!


Friday, 8 June 2012

Tamaki Maori Village Experience.....

Showered, changed and refreshed, we were collected from our motel.....along with several others from various places of accommodation around Rotorua......and bused to the Tamaki Maori Village....

......upon our arrival we were not allowed to enter the fortified village until the Powhiri ....formal welcome....had been performed.....when entering Maori sacred places it is customary for the host tribe to send out a challenge of peace.....

.....the warriors go through some really intimidating gestures using their bodies and Taiaha ....spear-like weapons.....while poking their tongues out and making their eyes bulge.....until the Teka....peace placed and received by one of the visiting chiefs.....

......the warriors were extremely fearsome.......and had a definite air of aggression about them....Little Lad and Little Miss were rather unnerved by it was certainly easy to see how Captain Cook, upon sighting the Maori people for the first time, and being confronted by such a spectacle, thought the Maoris were extending a challenge of war.......rather than one of peace!

It all looks so very very green in these photos.....and it was.....we'd had the most torrential downpour while we were getting ready in our motel.....and everything always looks so green and refreshed after rain.....but none more so than the ferns and traditional bush in New Zealand.

After the Karanga.....welcome call....had echoed across the courtyard, followed by the Powhiri ....welcome dance....we were able to enter onto the village grounds.....

Lit by flares and small fire baskets in the now failing light, several tribe members demonstrated different Maori activities from little traditional huts.......

....poi twirling, hand games, flax weaving, weaponry skills, and agility and combat exercises to train for war......a regular occurrence for the Maori warriors of old.

After the demonstrations, we made our way into the Wharenui.....big house, or meeting house ......where Whaikorero.....welcome speeches.....were made......followed by entertainment in the form of traditional songs, dances, the Poi dance and the Haka....telling the story of the Maori people......

By now, it was properly dark and we were very hungry......we made our way to the Wharekai..... food house......past the oven pit.....where our food had been cooked in the traditional are heated in a fire using native timber until they are white hot......they are then put into a pit dug into the earth.....baskets of meat are put directly onto the hot stones, followed by baskets of vegetables, and finally the pudding basket on top .....a wet cloth is placed over the food, followed by wet is quickly piled over everything to keep the heat inside the earth oven......where it is left to steam and cook for three to four hours.....

....this Hangi pit is rather commercialised compared to what a totally traditional pit would have looked like.

The food was served as a buffet, with an excellent selection of meats, fish, vegetables and salad, followed by a traditional New Zealand dessert of pavlova......I was really sceptical about the Hangi food, since having had one as a child and hating it......but I was most pleasantly surprised at how delicious it all was......we all ate until we were completely stuffed full.

Our evening at the Maori village ended with the poroporoaki.....the official closing ceremony .....with a couple more songs.....waiata.......and whaikorero.....speeches......after which, we were all bused back to our accommodations around Rotorua.

It was an interesting and educational evening for us all....but especially for the Angels who had never encountered Maoris dressed in traditional costume......or had any knowledge of their customs and culture. Before the Angels knew we were going to New Zealand, I surreptitiously asked them what they would like to do if we ever got to go there......Big Miss said she wanted to go to a Maori we.....Big Miss especially.....would like to thank Grandpa and Grandma G for making it possible and treating us to this wonderful cultural experience, which I'm sure will remain in our memories for years to come!
