Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Farewell....but not forever......

And so, after 3 of the most wonderful weeks, it was sadly time to bid farewell to our friends and family..... newly found and well known.....it was time to board the plane for the long journey back to Blighty.

I'm never good with goodbyes....I'm the most emotional person there is.....I cry at cartoons...... so saying goodbye to Dad, G, A and New Zealand was the hardest thing on earth.....I was still crying on the plane.....Little Miss didn't really understand, asking after take-off why I was still crying.....she didn't understand the concept of not knowing when we'd be back.....or when we'd see our friends and family again.

It was dull and dreary when we left Auckland......

.....but once we cleared the cloud cover it was gloriously blue and sunny....

How exactly do you say......
T H A N K  Y O U
......for the most amazing holiday ever?

Flying over Australia

We packed so much in......we saw so much.....we did so much....the Angels met members of our family they didn't even know they had....I spent a teeny tiny bit of time with my bestest friend....we did things we could never do here in England....the Angels learnt new skills.....I enjoyed catching up with my first real BF after more than 20 years.....the Angels learnt some of my life history.....we played games.....we laughed.....and cried.....I found I really, really miss "home", even though I thought I didn't.....we all learnt a lot.....about ourselves.....about each other......about NZ .......I discovered how wonderful it is to part of, and surrounded by family....and memories were made.....wonderful, glorious memories etched in our minds to treasure forever.....of fun times, family, friends, and faraway places.

And there are so many people to thank.....for their kindness, thoughtfulness, and going the extra mile......for treating us, taking time for us, and being with us.....

.....to all our friends and family who we met, who went out of your way to see us or do things for us....you all know who you are......and most especially to Grandpa and Grandma G......without whom, our holiday would never have been possible.......we say the biggest, loudest, most gratefullest.......

T H A N K  Y O U !

Flying over Australia

We all saw how brilliant NZ could be for us.....we have vowed we will return......


Sunday, 1 July 2012


Our last full day in NZ.....we managed a spot of shopping....some sightseeing.....some swimming .....some snacking on fish and chips.......and some stuffing.....stuffing loads and loads of stuff into suitcases.

The skies started off heavy and ominous.....

Michael Joseph Savage Memorial Park, Auckland

....but did lift and lighten a little.....

The Misses
.....for a while.....

Michael Joseph Savage Memorial Park, Auckland

The Angels were desperate to have some beach time before we departed.....so we gathered some things and headed off to find a sheltered beach to indulge them......and bag some precious time for us adults to chill and chat while we were at it. The plan was to enjoy fish and chips alfresco after the Angels had had their fill of sea and sand.....but with the clouds thick and grey.....

The Misses

....the wind whipping everything into a frenzy....

Big Miss, Little Miss & Little Lad

.....and us adults freezing our tootsies off....

Little Miss

....it was time to head indoors for our fish and chip feast....just how Little Lad and Little Miss managed to be in the sea wearing only their swimming costumes is beyond me......I was huddled at a picnic bench wearing jeans and a fleece and wrapped as best I could in the Angels' towels trying desperately to keep warm....and still freezing......it was not the chillin' I had envisaged..... that's for sure!

With heavy hearts the Angels headed off to bed....we had a very early start.....while I started stuffing suitcases.....packing and unpacking......zipping, weighing and unzipping.......jiggling and juggling......we had a L O T of stuff....we came with four suitcases......but we were returning with five.....five very full.....and very heavy suitcases.....it was a mammoth task.... but I got there in the end.....P H E W !
