Sunday, 18 September 2011

Thrifty Pressies.....

My friend M regularly takes a cruise around the local charity shops......sometimes she comes home with absolutely nothing......but sometimes she hits the jackpot and finds some dishy goodies......sometimes she keeps them for herself......and sometimes she shares her haul. On Friday she spotted some lovely pink plates, but left them there to mull over.....yesterday she went back to look again......if they were still there, she was going to nab them....if they weren't, it wasn't meant to be. Yippee.....they were still there! She kept a couple for herself.....and gave the rest to me......YIPPEE..... they are sooooo pretty in pink........

And what a charming little pressie......they're not really old, or antique.....probably vintage would be the correct description for them.....but I absolutely  them.....and at only £3.50 for the whole lot.....8 plates in total....I've absolutely no qualms about using them everyday. We used the soup/dessert ones last night for dessert, but Little Miss was quite disgruntled that her dessert wasn't served in tonight, I did serve her dessert in a pretty pink plate....."goodie, I've got a new plate" she squealed quite delighted......well they are very girlie.

On a previous cruise round the charity shops a few weeks ago, my friend M spotted this gorgeous cheese dome......

She didn't need one for herself, so came round to collect me, so I could go see it. Luckily it was still there, and of course I thought it was just wonderful.....and at only £4.50......I simply had to have it......

All sparkly, with the light refracting off the pretty ribs and ripples.....I thought it was a real bargain which was just waiting for me to snap it up.........

I soooo  finding treasures like these to use and enjoy......and maybe they will become family heirlooms in years to come.....since all my Angels ♥ and appreciate these lovely treasures too.


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