Monday, 31 October 2011

The Best News......

A few weeks ago I received some super, duper, fabulicious news.....but I also received some potentially terrible news......I was told my Dad thought he had the big C..... cancer......well I have just found out that it was a bit of a storm in a teacup.... thankfully there is NO cancer......and my wonderful Dad will, with the grace of good fortune, be with us for many more years to come......P H E W ! ! !......that's a H U U U U G E relief!

And then we've had good news of my friend M's husband, who has been in hospital for over three weeks...after a battery of tests, it looks like everything is OK......and he is home again.....PHEW!!!....another HUGE relief!!!

Things really are looking really is good!!!


1 comment:

  1. So glad there has been good news all round for both your dad and M's husband! Lovely to have some positivity! xxxxxxxxxxx
