Wednesday, 30 November 2011


in can that be? But it is......the last day of November and I have two roses in my garden at present.....this unbelievably mild November weather, and the plants just can't decide if it's autumn or spring.

This yellow rose is usually a blooms just once in spring, and then it's done it's dash for the year.....but here it is, firmly making a stance and putting out a second flush.....all of a single bloom......

or does it think it's spring already.....and this one single bloom is the best effort it can muster?

And this tiny little red bud is on a tiny little plant that always seems to have black spot......but it nevertheless always produces two or three of the most exquisite blooms of deep red, it's petals as deep and lustrous as it barely has a leaf on the plant, but here it is bravely offering up a tiny red bud.....

To be honest, I'm quite liking this mild weather too.....the heating doesn't have to be on full blast just to stay warm, so saving money (always a good thing)......the school runs are bearable without the freezing cold, snow, lashing rain, blustery gales....and it's only 22 days until the shortest day.....yes quite likeable indeed!


1 comment:

  1. I'm having the same thing in my garden. My tulips, daffodils and ranunculus are all coming out, it's weird. All summer I struggled to get more than one strawberry at a time growing on my bush, now I have 20 all wanting to ripen! We still have chilli plants producing a mass of chillies outside too.

    It's nice though to have mild weather for the time of year. We haven't put our heating on yet. It's colder during the day, but it's only me in and I stick another layer on, and in the evenings we all tend to snuggle under blankets so we don't feel it. I've said to the other half, whilst the kids are walking about the house in shorts and t-shirts and not complaining of being cold then the heating stays off! I've set myself a little quest to see how long we can leave it off! ha ha!

    Have a super day!

